
What’s in a face?

You may have heard the joke: How to you tell if a lawyer is lying? Answer: When his mouth is moving. While there may be more than just a grain of truth in that joke, there is quite a bit of information which can be found by observing faces and [...]

By | April 23rd, 2012|0 Comments

Can A Hairstylist Save Your Life?

For males who still have some hair and for almost all females going to the hairdresser is a common thing. Given that these hairdressers are in a unique position to find suspicious scalp and face lesions, how many actually look for such potential skin cancers? A recent study found that [...]

By | April 16th, 2012|0 Comments

Can Progesterone Prevent Premature Deliveries?

Premature deliveries can result in serious complications. If a baby is delivered weeks or even months before it should be delivered-say about 40 weeks, bad things can and do happen: The baby may need to be hospitalized for weeks or even months;brain, lung, gut injury can occur; lifetime disabilities may [...]

By | April 9th, 2012|0 Comments

Advances In Stroke Treatment

Not too long ago when a patient arrived with stroke symptoms, there was very little to do. The extent of the stroke was determined by CT scan; labs were done to diagnose possible stroke mimickers (hypoglycemia) as well as risks for future strokes. In some cases an ultrasound of the carotids [...]

By | April 2nd, 2012|0 Comments

Should wisdom teeth be pulled?

Last year, my daughter, along with about 5 million other Americans had her wisdom teeth pulled. Why? We were told by her dentist that her wisdom teeth were crowding out her other teeth. If we didn't remove the offending wisdom teeth, infection and even jaw growth damage could occur. It turns [...]

By | March 26th, 2012|2 Comments

A Hernia Primer

Imagine, if you will, that you finally made it to  the gym. Here you started lifting free weights, even though you hadn't touched the weights in years, perhaps even decades. As you start the squats, burdened with what for you seems an awfully heavy forty pound weight, you suddenly experience [...]

By | March 19th, 2012|4 Comments

Children of Smokers Suffer Hearing Loss

You might think that your teenager's hearing loss is subjective: Not hearing about completing the homework, getting off the internet or cleaning the pig sty which happens to be her room and yet hearing each and every cell call and tweet announcement. Well, if you or your significant other happen [...]

By | March 12th, 2012|0 Comments

New Treatment for Peanut Allergy

I grew up munching peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and scarfing peanut butter cookies. I love the taste and smell of fresh peanut butter. Yet there are those for whom even the smell of peanut butter can be dangerous. Peanut allergy, like many nut allergies, can be severe. For some [...]

By | March 5th, 2012|0 Comments

Chewing Gum Is Great for Cavities!

Parents, it seems have forever been telling their kids :Don't chew gum (while of course doing the same out of eyesight of their offspring). Then there was the concern that the sugar variety of chewing gum would lead to more cavities and hence more dental visits, with the hit to [...]

By | February 27th, 2012|0 Comments

Some Thoughts on Ankle Sprains

Our ankles take a lot of abuse. Not only do they have to steady us as we walk, they also must be able to withstand sudden changes in force or direction. Take basketball, for example. Here is a sport where you could be running one minute, jumping the next or [...]

By | February 20th, 2012|44 Comments